A new era of children’s issues, as world conflicts grow and inequality worsens — Global Issues

At the beginning of each year, UNICEF looks ahead to the risks that children may face and suggests ways to reduce the potential risk. A recent report, Hopes for Children 2025: Building Stronger Plans for Children’s Futurecalls for the strengthening of national programs designed to reduce the effects of the crisis on children and ensure that they receive the support they need.
Here’s a breakdown of the biggest trends to watch for in 2025.
Doubling of children living in conflict zones
Intensification of armed conflict will continue to pose the greatest risk to children in 2025. Conflicts are also becoming more intense and violent.
More than 473 million children – more than one in six worldwide – now live in conflict-affected areas, and the world is facing the highest number of conflicts since World War II. And the percentage of the world’s children living in conflict zones has doubled – from about 10 percent in the 1990s to about 19 percent today.
Amid growing national conflicts and the paralysis of international institutions, both state and non-state actors appear increasingly willing to violate international laws designed to protect civilians, with attacks on civilian infrastructure such as schools and hospitals becoming increasingly common.
This revelation of decades of efforts to protect civilians is taking a heavy toll on children. Along with the danger to their lives, children face displacement and the threat of hunger and disease. There are also serious risks to their mental health.
The international system has struggled to respond effectively. A concerted and sustained effort is needed to reverse the losses of recent years.
© UNICEF/Vincent Tremeau
Children eat lunch in the village of Tagal, Chad.
The financial system does not work
Governments in developing countries are finding it increasingly difficult to fund critical investments in children, due to slow growth, rising debt and insufficient tax revenue and development aid.
Another important factor is the growing debt burden. About 400 million children live in countries deep in debt, and without major changes this number will increase. The cost of servicing this debt is depressing important investments for children.
By 2025, we are facing important decisions regarding changes in the institutional framework, policies, rules and procedures that govern the global financial system.

© UNICEF/Paulo Diogenes
In Tabatinga -Amazonan State- in Brazil in October 2024.
The irreversible consequences of the climate crisis
Children are disproportionately affected by climate change and the effects on their development, health, education and well-being can be lifelong and irreversible.
The year 2025 presents significant opportunities to make progress in meeting global climate goals. This means comprehensive and robust policy-making, adequate and equitable funding and investment, strong regulatory and accountability structures, and effective monitoring systems.

© UNICEF/Frank Dejongh
Improved access to digital services
Several digital trends are poised to shape our future in 2025 and beyond. Rapid advances in emerging technologies will continue to shape every aspect of children’s lives from education to communication to participation in the digital economy.
One important trend is the emergence of digital public infrastructure (DPI). DPI is a set of shared digital initiatives that can provide equal access to public and private services. It enables the large-scale delivery of digital public services, including for children, and is now rapidly being adopted around the world.
DPI has the potential to change the way governments work and communicate with their citizens, including children. It can also be important in promoting laws that promote development, inclusion, trust, innovation, and respect for human rights.
But the persistent inequality in digital access, especially in less developed countries, is a major obstacle to ensuring that DPI serves every child. There are also issues, too, with ensuring data consistency across systems and ensuring adequate data security and safety.
Global governance under pressure
New and ongoing issues will continue to challenge the future of global governance.
By 2025, nations and institutions must face the crucial question of whether the international framework around the world will come together to make a coherent response to our shared challenges or a piecemeal continuation, risking the loss of collective action.
The direction we take will have a profound impact on efforts to protect children’s rights and well-being around the world.
Children’s rights must always come first
The conclusion reached by the authors of this report is the importance of adopting and promoting programs to improve the lives and prospects of children.
These programs must incorporate the principles of inclusion, equity, and accountability, to ensure that the rights and needs of children are always prioritized. And, most importantly, they should not only face the current global challenges but also anticipate and prepare for the future.
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