6 Tips to Fight the Winter Blues and Get Your Motivation Back

The views expressed by the business participants are their own.
As the seasons change, daylight savings time ends and we enter fall and winter, about 5% of Americans experience seasonal affective disorder, according to the Cleveland Clinic, and about 10%-20% experience a mild form of the winter blues. .
Although the percentages sound small, this still means that millions of working Americans also suffer from negative effects, including poor concentration, sadness and depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue and lack of energy, sleep problems and other symptoms that affect our ability to function properly. and in a productive way. If you’re feeling blue when the weather is gray, here are six things to help you.
Related: Following These Five Ways Dramatically Improved My Mental Health – Find Out How They Can Help You Too.
1. Remember what drives you and start there
There is always a reason for us to invest time in the things that are most important to us. However, these reasons are easily forgotten in our darkest hours. When we forget the reasons why we love our hobbies, pursuits or families, we don’t feel motivated to depend on them and stay connected to them. That often results in giving up, which causes more stress.
Avoid this vicious cycle by choosing to remember why you started running or playing guitar in the first place. Choose to remember how much fun it is to make a difference at work or how proud you are of the last big project you completed. The way we talk is also important and what we think about it is growing. So, make it a point to think carefully about all the big things that are taking up space in your life.
As you do this, you will feel more inspired to continue them, and the act of doing those things (which usually make you feel good) will give you more energy, creating a domino effect of motivation to do them again.
2. Keep a gratitude list
Positive psychology research has shown that gratitude is a key driver of happiness. When I’m at my best, I start each day by adding 2-3 specific things to my gratitude list (a document I keep on my computer) or my daily schedule. I identify small wins or specific moments that happened in the past 24 hours that brought me joy. This shifts me to a mindset of abundance where I focus on what is working and what is going well versus a mindset of scarcity where I am focusing on what is not working or going well. Once I’ve done this, it’s hard for me to go back to a depressed state later in the day, even if something negative or unexpected happens.
Related: Why Harnessing the Power of Gratitude Is Vital to Your Success
3. Start each day by completing a small task
My best days are those that start with accomplishing a small task or two. There is a reason that Admiral William McRaven’s book, Make Your Bedit has over 187,000 shared ratings between Amazon and Goodreads. McRaven argues that you can start your day by simply making your bed every morning because you will have proven to yourself that you can complete projects and be productive. Then, that thought carries over to your next set of tasks.
I found this to be true. In the morning, I make the bed quickly and do the dishes after breakfast (instead of waiting until later), I’m always productive and efficient. It feels good to do things, and feeling good gives us motivation to act More things made. Starting each day by completing a small task makes us feel good and that motivates us to do more. This works like another domino effect.
4. Talk about it
Keeping our problems to ourselves rarely accomplishes anything. It can be difficult or embarrassing to share your feelings when you are sad, anxious or lonely. But, sharing vulnerability and courage when you are with someone you trust also feels good. Many people process, grieve and heal through the act of speaking. Talking can also normalize what we hear. Often, when I share problems with my counselor, partner or friend, I learn that I am not alone. Often, others will share similar experiences or emotions that they have experienced and how they overcame them. I usually leave feeling much better.
5. Focus on progress, not perfection
I was raised to be a perfectionist and happy all the time. When I expressed sadness or had the courage to cry about something, I was often told to stop and “get back on track.” Over the past ten years, I have come to realize how dangerous this thinking has been. We are not machines, we are people. We all make mistakes and have bad days. We all experience situations that leave us feeling inadequate. Life is not perfection; it’s about progress. Not only are you allowed to be imperfect, you are which is appropriate imperfection.
In Don Miguel Ruiz’s 1997 book4 agreements“do your best” is the fourth covenant. This book has sold over 15 million copies! Ruiz explains that our best will not look the same every day. When we are tired, stressed or sick, we will not have as much to give as when we are rested and healthy. Instead of asking yourself to have no mistakes or mistakes every day, just ask yourself to give your best (whatever that was). Holding yourself to the level of simply trying your best is more rewarding and motivating than expecting every day to be perfect.
Related: Seek Improvement, Not Perfection: Why Your Business Should Embrace the “Toothpick Rule”
6. Don’t focus on things you can’t control
Whenever we feel like we are failing, we are often quick to blame external factors beyond our control such as our stupid boss, another department or market conditions. Stop that. While it may sound good in the moment, it rarely works and takes the focus off the only thing that can create change: You. Focusing on external things does not help you develop a plan for how to get back on track; it leaves you feeling powerless and victimized. You can’t control the economy, the weather, the past or other people — so don’t waste time focusing on those things. Every minute you spend citing factors outside of yourself the minute you don’t spend finding a solution.
Before I discovered these six habits, I had more sorrow and anxiety in life. It was even harder to recover from those feelings and sometimes I didn’t recover at all. These practices are surefire ways to help you start over and reset, no matter how depressed or sad you wake up.
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