Breaking the Silence: How Entrepreneurs Can Fight Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are not uncommon for small business owners because of the stress we all face. I was treated for panic attacks 30 years ago and still have to deal with them often. What can we do to deal with them when they happen?
This week on The Small Business Radio Show. I’m talking to Joseph Perekupka CEO of Freespira, the only FDA-cleared digital therapy company that has been proven to reduce or eliminate symptoms of panic disorder, panic attacks and PTSD in 28 days. Joe is a proven healthcare leader with over 25 years of commercial experience in multiple leadership and active medical device and digital health roles.
Panic Attack Situation
Joseph begins by explaining the complexities of panic disorder. Panic can come from a variety of sources, often associated with anxiety or an untreated anxiety disorder. A significant problem is that many people experience physical symptoms that mimic other medical conditions, leading to misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment. This discrepancy can exacerbate the situation, as patients may find themselves cycling through emergency departments and primary care providers without receiving appropriate care.
Key Points:
Panic attacks often present with physical symptoms similar to other medical conditions.
An incorrect diagnosis can lead to inadequate treatment and increased anxiety.
Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential to managing panic disorder effectively.
The Relationship Between Panic Attacks and PTSD
Our discussion shifted to the relationship between panic attacks and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Joseph explains that although both conditions may involve fear, PTSD is caused by certain traumatic events, such as accidents or natural disasters. PTSD symptoms, such as night terrors and an elevated heart rate, can lead people to seek emergency care, as can panic attacks.
Key Points:
PTSD is caused by certain traumatic events and can include panic attacks.
Symptoms of PTSD include night terrors and an elevated heart rate.
Both conditions require targeted therapies.
New Treatment Methods
Joseph introduced the new Free Spirit therapy, which focuses on breathing exercises to help patients manage their symptoms. The treatment is a 28-day program that patients can complete at home, which includes 17 minutes of guided exercise twice a day. This program aims to address respiratory dysfunction associated with high sensitivity to CO2, which can cause panic attacks. By practicing regular breathing patterns, patients can better cope with anxiety and reduce the likelihood of panic attacks.
Key Points:
Clinical trials show significant improvement in patients’ conditions.
Over 80% of patients report a reduction in symptoms after the program.
86% of patients remain panic free after one year, indicating long-term success.
Listen to the entire interview on The Small Business Radio Show.
Photo: Envato