Andor Season 2 Confirms Return of Old Friend in Season 2

We’ve known for a long, long time now—even before next year’s delay—that AndorThe second season will be seminal star Wars show closer and closer to the days before the events of Rogue One. Now we know one familiar face (among the few that have been teased) that will help pave that way star Wars prequel story.
Tonight at D23 Lucasfilm confirmed that Alan Tudyk will reprise his role as K-2SO Andor season two in a behind-the-scenes reel shown to attendees. First introduced internally Rogue One as Cassian’s trusted companion, K2 is a key intelligence asset for Rebel Intelligence: a reprogrammed Imperial security droid that can use its Imperial exterior to infiltrate outlying areas and facilities undetected.
Yes, we’ve seen similar security droids since star Wars after Rogue One‘released in 2016, if not by K2 himself. They appear as enemies in Respawn’s Jedi action games, and one also memorably appeared in it AndorThe first season, when Cassian is threatened by one when he is stopped by an Imperial patrol on the planet Niamos. But whether we will see the first meeting between K2 and Cassian, or go forward to a time when they already know each other, is unknown.
Also confirmed during filming is the return of Ben Mendelsohn who was accidentally revealed earlier as Director Orson Krennic. Rogue OneA villain and lead architect in the development of the Death Star, we saw him meet an explosive end in that film, but how will he Andor remains to be seen.
Andor will return to Disney+ sometime next year.
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