YouTuber Turns Car Into Ultimate Bubble Storage Machine

I love outdoor DIY projects. Whether it’s a Star Wars home lamp or custom headphones the size of watermelons, I’m in. YouTuber Engineezy seems to share my love of funny and funny things. The mechanical engineer’s past projects include a paint-slinging robot, a mechanical model, and a 3D-printed wild candy dispenser. For his latest project, Engineezy focused on a childhood pastime: blowing bubbles.
The goal was to create an infinite mysterious bubble. This required a car equipped with a large custom bubble rig, and tons of bubble solution. During the video, Engineezy even reveals his recipe for making your own bubble art in the comfort of your own backyard.
He built and tested several rigs to help him in his pursuit, eventually settling on a design. It consisted of two half-rings connected by remote control, two powerful motors, and a four-meter beam. Next, he attached it to a metal detector and a large container of self-made bubble mixture. He disassembled and reassembled the machine several times, changing parts and motors before settling on a design that would fit into the car.
The final rig copies the design used to produce the bubble art. Controlled with a simple Sony DualShock PlayStation controller, Enginezy has created impressive bubbles. Were they endless? Sadly, no. Still, the experiment was a success in my heart, at least, and something I’d like to see in person.
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