ESPN’s top athletes of the 21st century: Every level of sports

With so many great athletes over the past 25 years, we thought it was time to poll our experts to find the best of the best. Considering the best athletes of the 21st century, we’ve expanded our selection beyond North America. ESPN programs from around the world contributed to the nominations and voting for the Top 100, as well as the ranking of each sport.
Voters are instructed to consider only an athlete’s performance since 2000. In the end, we received over 70,000 votes from ESPN contributors. Find the entire list as published here:
Top 100 Athletes of the 2000s
The 25 best future athletes of the 21st century
Top 25 MLB Players
Top 10 male MMA fighters | Top 10 women’s MMA
25 best soccer players | The 25 best female soccer players
Top 10 Women’s Tennis Players | The 10 best tennis players
Australia’s top 25 athletes
The UK’s top 25 athletes
The 25 best African athletes
ESPN ranking dos 25 maiores atletas brasileiros do século 21
Top 25 NFL Players | Top 25 Olympians
The 25 best soccer players | The 25 best baseball players
Top 25 NBA Players | The 25 best women’s basketball players | Top 10 Boxers
Coming this week:
July 26: NHL, Golf, women’s boxing
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