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Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Support Network – and How to Find Yours

The views expressed by the business participants are their own.

What does it mean for you to find your support network, and how can you tell when you’ve actually found it? I was one of those people who would use the term “finding my support network” to describe the process of connecting with like-minded people or business communities who share their values, interests and goals.

I wanted that sense of belonging, and I felt strongly that having this connection would be necessary for my personal and business growth and success. At the time, I didn’t realize that I raised part of my support network, my children. When I sought input from people I trusted, the one I reached out to, in our family group discussion. Sometimes I reached out not because I needed their opinions but because I wanted to make them feel part of my journey. I recently reconnected with a few cousins ​​I didn’t grow up with, and they are now part of my support network.

Related: 5 Reasons Why You Need a Support Network

My support network

One of them always tries to check on me and make sure I take regular breaks and continue to practice self-care. Someone will sit on the phone and discuss with me about my different business. They are all very opinionated and very insightful. I also have a friend who has offered to invest in my business if I want to go that route. Then an old colleague of mine gave me information about an opportunity where I could get the money I needed to pay for marketing campaigns. My support network was always there. They weren’t what I thought my network would look like, but they were much better.

My support network wasn’t huge, but it was strong and loyal, which is the most important thing to me.

“The greatness of a society is most accurately measured by the acts of compassion of its members.” – Coretta Scott King

At the beginning of my journey, I had trust issues due to a bad past experience, but when I started to open up more while setting boundaries, my support network started to grow.

Since then I have had good interactions with some of them. I’ve even started connecting some of them with other brands, which I feel can be mutually beneficial.

Finding your own support network as an entrepreneur can provide you with a helpful, knowledgeable and encouraging community that can greatly contribute to your success and well-being in your entrepreneurial journey.

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How do you know when you’ve found your support network?

Here are some ways entrepreneurs can once they find their support network:

  1. Trust and honesty: Trust is a key factor in any business, and who better to trust than family? Their loyalty can be valuable, especially in the early stages of a business when finding loyal team members can be a challenge.

  2. Values ​​shared: Entrepreneurs often connect with their support network when they share similar values ​​and beliefs. This may include a commitment to innovation, a passion for a particular industry or cause, or a commitment to good business practices. If you find others who align with your core values, it’s a sign that you’ve found your support network.

  3. Similar interests: Your support network may include people who have a strong interest in the same industry, niche or area of ​​expertise as you. Whether it’s tech startups, eco-friendly businesses or social enterprises, shared interests can create a strong bond.

  4. Networking and events: Entrepreneurs often attend networking events, conferences or industry-specific gatherings to meet like-minded entrepreneurs. If you regularly meet familiar faces at these events and establish meaningful connections, you are likely building your own support network.

  5. Support area: Your network should provide you with a supportive and nurturing environment where you feel comfortable sharing your ideas, challenges and aspirations. Mutual encouragement, mentoring and coaching are common indicators of a supportive business network.

  6. Partnership opportunities: Entrepreneurs often collaborate with members of their support network on projects, partnerships or businesses. If you find people willing to work together and leverage each other’s strengths, it’s a good sign.

  7. A sense of belonging: Feeling like you belong and are understood by others in your support network is a powerful indicator. If you can relate to their experiences, challenges and aspirations, and they can relate to yours, you’ve probably found your people.

  8. Personal growth: Being part of a support network can also contribute to your personal and professional growth. If you find that your network inspires you, challenges you and helps you grow as an entrepreneur, it’s a good sign that you’re in the right group.

  9. Long term relationship: Building lasting relationships with other entrepreneurs is key to finding your own support network. These relationships can go beyond business and become important connections in your personal life.

  10. Online communities: In today’s digital age, many entrepreneurs find their support networks through online communities, forums, social media groups and specialized forums. Engaging in conversations and making connections in these virtual spaces can be as meaningful as personal interactions.

  11. Bowel sensation: Ultimately, finding your support network often comes down to gut feeling. You will feel a real connection, a shared purpose and a sense of belonging when you find the right group of people.

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Remember that your support network can grow, and you can be part of many networks based on different aspects of your life and interests. Keep an open mind, seek connections, and embrace new opportunities to find and grow your support network.

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