Ignition Schools 2024: Our approach

The Ignition Schools 2024 standard illuminates schools around the world with the greatest impact on innovation and business development. Our approach focuses on how schools innovate new technologies and industries and grow the people and companies they bring to the world. The assessment includes a list of schools collected by applying and researching postsecondary institutions Inc. again Fast company editorial teams.
The short list of honorees was around 900 schools. To create the ranking, schools are given points based on their performance in several categories:
- Founders/entrepreneurs from school
- Companies are started by school graduates
- Venture capital/VC raised by alumni-owned companies
- Government R&D investment/grant awarded to school (via HERD Survey)
- Operation of the school’s Tech Transfer Office (where applicable)
Once ranked, the scores are combined on a weighted scale to give each school a combined score that represents its ranking among its peers as an Ignition School.
The draft list was then reviewed by Inc. again Fast company editorial groups, and level adjustments were made based on scores adjusted for the size of the student body and qualitative factors not represented in the collected data.
Sources: LinkedIn, Association of University Tech Managers (AUTM), Higher Education Research and Development (HERD), PitchBook, application data
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Teresa Lynch at Mass Economics; George Gendron; Van Le, Daniel Cook, Andy White at PitchBook; and Paul Stark at AUTM
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