This free calculator app will multiply your productivity exponentially

Look, I hear you: When you think of “exciting new life improvement,” a calculator app might not be the first thing that comes to mind.
But, well—it might be time to rethink that mental calculation.
Today, I’m going to introduce a special tool that will change the way you think about what a “calculator app” is.
It may be one of your most useful productivity tools. And that, if you ask me, is cause for joy.
Psst: If you like these types of tools as much as I do, check out mine for free Cool Tools newsletter from Intelligence. You will be the first to discover all kinds of simple technical treasures!
Prepare to count happiness
What makes this number crunching companion so powerful is that it’s not just a simple number cruncher. A multitasking notepad that just happens to have a built-in calculator.
⌚ And it will take you approx 10 seconds setup and start using.
Everything works only in your browser and therefore can work on almost any device—phone, computer, electronic device, you name it.
➜ It is called Numberand the way it works is simple:
- You just pull Numbr up in your browser—or install its standalone Chrome extension, if you’re on a computer and can choose that way—and you’ll find yourself faced with a blank, open canvas.
- You can then type in any combination of text and numbers and perform all sorts of useful calculations right in your notes.
- Numbr recognizes all the common counting commands—+, –, =and so on—and it can work with simple English definitions, too.
Obviously, the sky’s the limit with this thing, depending on how you use it properly:

It can even remember certain words you use for things and do math with them:

Oh, and you can easily share any page you create as a regular link, too, if the need arises.
That, honey, is the formula for success.
- You can open Numbr directly from its website or try its Chrome desktop extension for a more dedicated setup.
- Application completely it’s free to use—no trials, no upgrades, no catches.
- It requires no downloads or logins, and it doesn’t collect any kind of sensitive information—and everything is open source, I mean, which means anyone can see exactly what’s going on under the hood.
Looking for more productivity-enhancing beauty? Check out my free booklet of cool tools for a quick introduction to the AI-powered supertool that records your brain—and another off-the-beaten-track gem every Wednesday!
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