Hacker Steals Evidence File From Matt Gaetz’s Accusers: Report

An anonymous hacker obtained a copy of the testimony from a 17-year-old woman who slept with Matt Gaetz in 2017, according to a shocking new report by the New York Times. A hacker intercepted a computer file through a secure link shared by lawyers representing women who say they slept with Gaetz and sold him illegal drugs, the former Florida congressman denies.
The file, which has not yet been released to the public, includes 24 exhibits, and the most damaging exhibit is the testimony of a woman who says she was 17 years old when Gaetz had sex with her, according to the Times. The file also includes the corroborating testimony of a woman who said she personally witnessed the sexual encounter, allegations that first came to light over the weekend when ABC News reported on the matter.
Whoever accessed the file used the name Altam Beezley directly at 1:23 pm ET on Monday, according to the Times. One of the attorneys connected to the case reportedly tried to email Beezley, but received a bounceback email informing the sender that the email address does not exist.
Gaetz has been in the news ever since he was nominated by President-elect Donald Trump to be the Attorney General of the United States, which has become very controversial in light of the Justice Department’s investigation of the former congressman. Not to mention that even his colleagues didn’t know Gaetz was a lawyer. Gaetz resigned from his position in Congress immediately after Trump’s nomination was announced, a strange move for someone who was just re-elected just weeks ago.
Gaetz was investigated by the House Committee on Ethics regarding the incident of alleged sexual misconduct and drug use, but it is not clear if the final report will ever be released. House Speaker Mike Johnson, a fellow Republican and Trump ally, said he would “strongly urge” that the report be released. Gaetz was also investigated by the Department of Justice for years for alleged sex trafficking and alleged sleeping with a minor, but no charges were filed in this case.
Remarkably, the documents leaked Monday are not from the House Committee on Ethics investigation but rather from testimony in a lawsuit filed by Gaetz’s friend Christopher Dorworth, according to the Times. Dorworth says he was defamed by Joel Greenberg, another friend of Gaetz’s who is currently serving an 11-year sentence for trafficking a woman who says she was 17 when Gaetz slept with him.
The 24 stolen exhibits were reportedly prepared for the unnamed woman and her attorney and include testimony from Dorworth, Dorworth’s wife, and Michael Fischer, a former Gaetz campaign treasurer who allegedly attended one of the sex parties, according to the Times. The file even contains the logs of the gate showing who was present during the party in question, which took place in July 2017, according to the newspaper.
Even Fox News host Trey Gowdy cautioned against endorsing Gaetz Tuesday morning, given the ongoing controversy and his promise to punish Trump’s political enemies.
“Don’t use the justice system as a weapon. “The message of the Republicans is not doing it on the other side, with this senseless AG decision that you just made,” said Gowdy.
Anything in those hacked files “is said to be very damaging to Mr. Gaetz than his accusers,” according to the Times. So the world will just have to wait and see if this pays off. Because it is hard to believe that anyone who has been behind the computer intervention intends to just stay in this information forever.
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