
Jujutsu Kaisen’s Insane Leak Culture Must Live With It

On Sunday, September 29, the most popular Shonen Jump manga series Jujutsu Kaisen it will end. While the finale of the popular manga series that turned into a viral anime adaptation will certainly come with its fair share of thanks to creator Gege Akutami and well-intentioned comments online from fans of the series’ popular (and hot) characters, it would be nice if it took its annoying tribute culture with it. in the grave.

In August, Shonen Jump announced that Jujutsu Kaisen it will finally end in September. For many, JJKThe imminent ending came as a surprise because the series felt like it was rushing towards the end of its Culling Game arc which suddenly escalated—something that Mappa will be familiar with in the upcoming third season of the anime. While I could (and have) waxed poetic about the uneven storytelling of the series for inevitably failing to deliver a satisfying conclusion to long-time readers, I will instead channel my displeasure at the most frustrating aspect of reading. Jujutsu Kaisen: its reading. Specifically, JJK fans who have been very keen on spoiling the entire ota of the story continuity by spreading manga leaks to all corners of the internet for the past five years.

Generally, in the US, new chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen will release on the Weekly Shonen Jump website and the ongoing series One piece again My Hero High School every sunday. In order to promote said chapters, the official Shonen Jump social media account will post an innocent panel from the newly released chapter with a vague flavor text so as not to spoil those who choose to follow the series through its anime counterpart. Although well-intentioned, this process is often futile because JJK fans – without fail – would have received the escalation of the said chapters in Japan last Thursday.

This phenomenon, popularly known as “Spoiler Thursdays,” has led to a harsh interpretation of what happened JJK chapters, which will be previewed online so that everyone, their mother, and their dog will know what’s happening in any given chapter before it’s officially released. While Japan takes manga pirates seriously enough to arrest foreigners for doing so, it’s next to impossible to prevent the entire internet from doing the kind of domain expansion that’s guaranteed to spoil unsuspecting fans. JJK.

This annoying custom, coupled with the fact that JJK fans can’t contain spoilers to save their lives, it only leads to anime JJK viewers get spoilers years in advance to plan developments on the show with raw, unmarked panels circulating on the Internet. This, too, made it into an anime-only existence JJK The fan said that he avoided being online only to wait for the news of the new season with carrier pigeon, or was forced to read the manga. The last one came with the same power that Marvel fans have by sharing spoilers the next day for the new series, as if it was up to the reader to drop everything they were doing to watch whatever game/movie was in vogue when it dropped, mate. Spoiler culture has no place in the manga community, its greatest quality is that it is meant to experience the story at the reader’s pace.

And one more thing: JJK‘s strange spoiler hang-up resulted in terrible abuse by both fans and voice actors of the game who wore their reading of the series as a badge of honor, in the series’ official translators. Many of these issues raised by angry readers at translator John Wery are based on colloquialisms that will not translate well or at all to an English-speaking audience, or minutia in leaked texts translated by fans that do not match the official translation. This hellspawn event JJKThe culture of manga leaks whose fans are allowed to grow up is unhealthy, especially because it’s been broadcast as a defense of a series that hasn’t been good enough for a long time to condone abusive behavior.

Needless to say, manga reading communities have anime projects on the horizon as well Sakamoto Days again Dan Da Dan they have already started guarding their soon-to-be JJK fans, saying they are not welcome in their community. Even the official Viz Media account took it upon themselves to give proper warning to the attendees Dan Da Dan Fans save themselves the trouble of spoiling by reading ahead before someone else cuts them off. All this to say, I wish Sakamoto Days again Da Da Dan fans make good luck in their prevention efforts JJK spoilerkind in the entry if it survives the end of the manga.

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