4 numbers that will define Joe Biden’s space legacy

The legacy of the Biden administration in space is one of global reach and the use of space as a tool of soft power, as evidenced by its leadership in programs such as banning anti-satellite weapons (ASAT) tests and promoting the appropriate use of space internationally through Artemis. Agreements.
37: Number of countries that have accepted the US ban on ASAT testing
The Biden administration announced a moratorium on anti-satellite destructive tests in April 2022, which has prompted similar bans in countries around the world, from Japan to Italy to Norway to Costa Rica.
In December 2022, the UN General Assembly also approved a non-binding resolution introduced by the US that banned ASAT direct destruction tests by a vote of 154 to 8, with 10 countries rejecting it.
3: Number of National Space Council meetings hosted by the Biden administration
The panel met three times under the leadership of VP Kamala Harris: December 2021, September 2022, and December 2023. That’s a significant drop from the eight meetings held during the Trump administration.
At the panel’s most recent meeting, Harris unveiled the administration’s plan to authorize novel space activities such as space exploration or mining in orbit. However, the White House’s announcement came after Capitol Hill leaders presented a conflicting proposal, and the effort has stalled.
38: The number of nations that have joined the treaties of Artemis
The Artemis Accords may have been initiated by the Trump administration, but the Biden administration invested a lot of time in expanding the group of signatories from 9 to 38. Part of that is because NASA Administrator Bill Nelson fully embraced his role as the nation’s center. diplomat and made several trips overseas during his reign.
The continuity between the two administrations reflects the bipartisan nature of the non-binding guidelines for the responsible use of space, and many countries may sign on to the next administration regardless of who is in the White House.
$25.4 billion: The White House’s 2025 budget request for NASA
While there have been fluctuations in the administration’s budget request for NASA since it took office in 2021, the request has remained stable over four years—$25.25 billion for 2021 compared to $25.38 billion for 2025, despite the increased mission of Artemis and record- high financial power.
Congress, however, ultimately has the power to hold the purse strings. Government spending on NASA has increased starting in the 2021 fiscal year. Congress has yet to pass a budget bill for fiscal 2025, which began this month.
This story originally appeared on Payload and is republished here with permission.
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