The survivors in Auschwitz brought warning to history as memories of memories die

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Their values are decreasing but the words of Auschwitz remain strong.
“We were all overwhelmed by all mankind,” said Leon of Sinstraub, 99, four older referred to the famous death gate in Barkenau.
Earth’s leaders and European Royalty Royal shoulder shoulders who have been escaped to the Anaudi-European Angela Europeans on Monday as they marked 80 years.
“We were the victims of the vacuum ethics.
Warnings from history were clear: survivors more than anyone understood the dangers of intolerance, and antisemitism was canary coal mine.
The Nazis killed 1,1 million people in Auschwitz-Birkenau between 1941 and 1945.
About a million Jews, 70,000 were prisoners of Poland, 21,000 Romani-Romani, 15,000 prisoners of war and an unknown gay amount of gay men.
This was one of the six death camps in Poland in 1942, and it was very great.
Under a large, white tent that includes in the Death Company, Director of Auschwitz Museum, Piotr Cywinski, ordered a memory of what happened, as the survivors died.
“The memory is helpful, memory guidelines … Without memory, no experience, no points, many obey blue and white to symbolize prisoners.
Memory was a fund for this day, marked worldwide as a world memorial day.
Poland President Andrzj Duda promised that Poland could be entrusted with the security of six deaths in their territory, Trablinka, SouthombaMbec, Mangdanek and Chelmno. “We are memorykeepers,” he said after putting the pressure on the wall when thousands of prisoners were killed in Auschwitz 1, concentration camp 3km (1.85 miles) away from Birkenau.

Far from the Nazi death camp, New York, general secretary António Gurerres said the moral action “, and declared to refuse speaking.
He pointed to Italian Survivor Provor Fimo and he wrote his memories of generation camps but could not endure scars of what he had seen. In the words that survive Elie Wiesel, Levi “died in Auschwitz in 40 years”.
Among those who attended Southern Poland for Monday’s release from Monday Charles, King Willem-Aleremia of Spain, and Queen of Denmar Frederik and Queen Mary.
Charles III was the first British King who visited Auschwitz, and it could appear to clear the tears as he listened to the accounts for four.
When he left the camp he set the pressure to remember the victims.
Sources nearby and said it was a great visit to him, and another person described “as a place of movement”.
The hours of complete, he said to remember the “old badness” stayed “an important work”.

Visit the Jewish community in Krakow, opening in the past 17 years, the king said that the Krakow Jewish community was being born “to the Holocaust, and that compassion and compassion for all our work.
Evel-Old Britawn Silipile Mala Tribich, 94, was released from a concentration camp in Bergen Belsen, and went to Monday in Auschwitz.
“We have seen the results of camps and beatings,” told BBC. “And what [children] They are taught under Destot conditions can only damage them, not only to them but in all around. So we really should be careful. “
Lord weeds, a special messenger of the UK postgrada, chairman of the International Holocaustust Remimfrance Alliance, has warned that “distortion” threatened the nation.
Listening the survivors inside the tent of Birkenau, told BBC that “we saw a history”, since it is now not expected that the heaviest will move long-term talks.
“It’s very amazing and I don’t believe we’re in the Post Holocaust world.”
Further reporting is Laura Gozzi in London.
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