This cool new ‘vote’ sticker is designed for millions of people who can’t vote

On Election Day, people walk out of their polling stations proudly wearing “I Voted” stickers to show the world that they did their part. But not everyone gets a chance to vote.
The United States has a long history of voter suppression; across the country, people are being disenfranchised due to policies, laws, and efforts aimed specifically at keeping them away from the ballot box.
Now, designers have come up with a new sticker for people who want to vote, but can’t. Rob Colucci and Zach Roif created the “I Couldn’t Vote” sticker to raise awareness about voter suppression, which affects 30 million people according to VoteAmerica.
“We boycotted the ‘I Voted’ sticker to give a voice and a face to the millions of people who are pressured to vote,” said Colucci.
What is voter suppression and who does it affect?
Voter suppression efforts have increased since the 2020 election. As of 2020, there have been a number of laws passed, including 78 laws and 400 proposed bills, that disproportionately affect the voting rights of minorities, seniors, and first-time voters.
“For example, in Texas, you can vote with a gun license, but not with a student ID,” Colucci said. “What is shocking is that it paints a picture of who they are trying to vote for and who they are trying to prevent from voting.”
More than 100,000 polling stations have been closed since 2018, and many ballot drop boxes have also been removed, making it even more difficult for people trying to reach polling stations. According to the latest survey of poll closures, Texas, Arizona, and Georgia had the biggest impact.

What do these stickers do to combat voter suppression?
The stickers come in two designs that replicate the standard “I Voted” stickers. The first is a small circular sticker with an American flag and the words “I couldn’t vote.” The second is large, round, with red, white and blue stripes and the words “I could not vote” in the center surrounded by stars. The stickers will be sent to different legislatures and districts.
These stickers are part of a broader campaign to educate people about voter suppression. The project also has a video feature that shows interviews with people who have experienced voter suppression, putting a face to the issues.

“You have heard one story [of voter suppression]you can’t look away from the problem,” said Roif.
The project encourages people to make sure their documents are ready to arrive in November. On Instagram, “I couldn’t vote” will post resources like polling location locators and will encourage people to check out VoteAmerica’s complete voting resources.
The campaign can be found at VoteAmerica along with the opportunity to order your own “I Couldn’t Vote” stickers.
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