Trump promises to end birthright citizenship and amnesty for US Capitol rebels

President-elect Donald Trump said he would consider amnesty for those involved in the US Capitol painting in 2021 on his first day back in office next month.
“These people are living in hell,” he told NBC’s Meet the Press in his first broadcast network interview since winning the November election.
The Republican also vowed to end automatic citizenship for anyone born in the country, but promised to work with Democrats to help some undocumented immigrants brought to the US as children.
In a wide-ranging sit-in, taped on Friday, Trump promised to issue “a bunch” of executive orders, including immigration, energy and the economy, after his inauguration on January 20.
Although he suggested that he would not seek a Justice Department investigation into Joe Biden, he said that some of his political opponents, including members of the legislature investigating the violence in the Capitol, should be arrested.
Trump was asked if he would seek to pardon hundreds of people convicted of involvement in that protest, when his congressional supporters stormed Congress three months after his 2020 election defeat.
“We will look at individual cases,” he said. “Yes, but I will act quickly.”
“On the first day,” he added.
Trump continued: “You know, they’ve been there for years, and they’re in a filthy, disgusting place that shouldn’t even be open.”
The president-elect made other news in an NBC interview that aired Sunday:
- He offered a caveat on whether he would keep the US in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Also): “If they pay their debts, and if I think they are doing well – they are treating us well, the answer is, I will stay with Nato”
- Trump said he would not want to impose restrictions abortion pillsalthough asked to make a guarantee, he added: “Well, I’m making a commitment. I mean…things change”
- Said the Republic Ukraine he should “probably” expect a little help when he returns to the White House
- Trump said he thinks “somebody has to find out” if there is a connection autism and childhood vaccines – an idea that has been debunked by many studies around the world. Trump suggested that his health secretary nominee, Robert F Kennedy Jr, who does not believe in vaccination, would look into the matter.
- The president-elect has repeated his promise that he will not seek cuts social Securityor raised its age of eligibility, although he said he would make it “effective”, without giving further details
- Pressed that his plan is to force prices about imports from America’s major partners will increase consumer prices for Americans, he said: “I can’t guarantee anything. I can’t guarantee tomorrow.”
On the issue of immigration, Trump told NBC that he will seek more drastic measures to end so-called birthright citizenship, which gives anyone born in the US an American passport, even if their parents were born elsewhere.
Birthright citizenship comes from the 14th amendment to the US Constitution, which states that “all persons born” in the United States are “citizens of the United States”.
“We’re going to have to change it,” Trump said. “We have to go back to the people. But we have to end it.”
Trump also said he would follow through on his campaign promise to deport undocumented immigrants, including those whose family members are U.S. citizens.
“I don’t want to break up families,” “it’s the same way you don’t break up a family to keep it together, you have to bring it all back together.”
Trump also said he wants to work with Congress to help the so-called Dreamers, undocumented immigrants who were protected under Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which Trump once tried to repeal.
“I will work with the Democrats on the plan,” he said, adding that some of these immigrants found good jobs and started businesses.
Trump appeared to be giving mixed signals about whether he would follow through on his repeated vows to seek revenge against political opponents.
The outgoing President of the United States, Joe Biden, this week issued a large amnesty to his son, Hunter, who was convicted of a crime. The leader of the Democratic Alliance is reportedly considering another pardon for political supporters before he leaves office next month.
Trump appeared to signal that he would not seek a special counsel investigation into Biden and his family, as he had previously vowed.
“I’m not looking to go back,” he said. “I am looking to make our country successful. Revenge will be success.”
But he also said that members of the Democratic Alliance-led House of Representatives committee that investigated him “must go to jail”.
A member of the panel, former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney, responded to Trump on Sunday.
He said his comments that the members of the committee should be arrested were “a continuation of his attack on the law and the foundations of our republic”.
In his NBC interview, Trump also said he would not direct the FBI to investigate his enemies.
But he also told the network: “If they were crooked, if they did something wrong, if they broke the law, maybe.
“They followed me and I knew they followed me without doing anything.”

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