The Story Behind Re-Animator Encounters

Have you left? Hysteria! to Peacock yet? The series dropped all eight of its episodes last week, making for a great pre-Halloween treat for anyone interested in heavy metal, Satanic Panic, 1980s hairstyles, high school drama, and some creepy family members who show up in unexpected places. It’s no harm to say that Bruce Campbell’s is in the cast… but when you get to episode five, “Mama,” you’re treated to a double surprise.
In case you haven’t watched “Mother” yet, here’s one:
Episode five gives us a confusingly extended flashback into Tracy’s troubled mind—one of Hysteria!The main characters. As an adult (played by Anna Camp) she is the leader of the Satanic Panic movement in her small town, accusing children of serving the devil while being overprotective of her teenage daughter, with dire consequences. In “Mother,” we get a look at why Tracy’s religious beliefs have such an unchanging quality to them: as a rebellious young woman in the late 1960s, she was forced under the tutelage of the evil “Deprogrammer” who is still involved. decades later.
And who forced it? His parents, of course, appear in flashback only once, but they make an immediate impact: because they are played by Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs, which makes it very good. Redo the animator reunion. How did it happen? Hysteria! Creator Matthew Scott Kane engineered this epic treat for fans of the 1985 cult classic?
“I love it Redo the animator. I’ve been obsessed with that movie since high school,” Kane told io9 as part of Hysteria! press interview. “I was at a friend’s party during one of the strikes and I ran into Barbara Crampton and started talking about the general plan. And very humbly he said, ‘Well, if you think of anything I could be good for, just let me know.'”
Kane continued. “And I didn’t tell him, but I knew indeed I wanted him as soon as he said that. So when we were back and running, we went to Barbara and Jeffrey’s ambassadors, crossing our fingers to find them both. And lo and behold, three days later they’re in Covington, Georgia, and I’m having dinner with the cast Redo the animatorand it was one of the coolest, strangest experiences of my life. Both could not have been better people. They were very kind, and to this day very talented; [they give] good performance in the short time they have on screen. “
You can stream all eight episodes of Hysteria! Peacock now.
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