
iFixit wants to fix the soldering iron

iFixit embodies the “rough it, I’ll just do it myself” spirit that has always been a hallmark of some tech enthusiasts. As one of the supporters of the Right to Repair movement, the company is now flexing its muscles with its electronic product. The FixHub is an integrated USB-C tool designed to help fix anything on your workbench (and easily fix itself). The iron is joined by a 55Wh battery pack that acts as a stand and temperature control, ensuring you can get things done wherever you go.

Founder Kyle Wiens explained that FixHub was born out of frustration with soldering irons, and their limitations. He was upset that he had to pull an extension cord down the street to fix his car stereo. So the iFixit team began looking for a way to improve what was once a rather unwieldy tool. That includes making it smarter, more flexible and easier to adjust.

A 100 watt iron can reach the desired temperature in just five seconds. Inside the body of the iron is an accelerometer that can detect when the iron is inactive and its holder. If it does, it will automatically set itself to cool down – hopefully draining more life from the metal object. And if the metal falls from your hand it will cut off the power to hopefully prevent any serious accidents. There is also an LED ring on the body that will tell you when the iron is cool enough to touch, warm, or ready to go.

Image of iFixit's Fix Hub soldering iron and battery pack.

Photo by Daniel Cooper / Engadget

You can use the iron with any USB-C power source that can output 20W, but it will always be set to the factory default temperature of 660f/350c. For more control (and portability), you’ll need to grab the FixHub Power Station, the company’s new 55Wh battery pack. It will output up to 100W at once, with enough juice to power two irons at once, or one iron while recharging another USB-C device. On the front, you will find a display and a rotating dial so you can control the temperature of the iron if you need to adjust it.

This is iFixit, both products are modular and repairable, with a common commitment to ensure ease of operation. The package contains an iFixit screwdriver that will allow you to separate both products if needed. Hopefully you’ll still be repairing electronics with one of these in hand for decades to come.

iFixit will begin shipping its FixHub products on October 15 in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. The Smart Soldering Iron will set you back $80, while the Soldering Station, which includes a soldering iron and battery pack, costs $250. You can also pick up a Soldering Toolkit for $300, which will include the above, plus a bunch of accessories and materials.

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