Truth Social was flooded with attacks on Kamala Harris during Tuesday’s debate

For Truth Social, the social network for many of the people who run for office Donald Trump, Tuesday night’s presidential debate provided an opportunity to raise the candidates on both their speaking skills—and their looks.
While Truth Social was abuzz with conspiracy theories during the June debate between Trump and President (and then-elect) Joe Biden, users on the social media platform seemed more concerned this time with the appearance and mannerisms of the new nominee of the Democrats.
These character attacks tend to drown out any policy considerations on the platform. (In an apparent effort to ensure full support for Donald Trump, some posters even said they muted their TVs while Harris spoke.)
Social Truth users repeatedly shamed Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday for what she was wearing, her attitude, and the way she spoke. User @CassKorAce called him a “pathetic liar,” while other posters complained that his answers sounded rote. Some users also said that Harris sounded “insulting” and “grabbing.” @Realrei wrote that Harris had practiced “Obama’s smirk [and] lift your chin.”
Often, Public Truth’s posts about Harris’ behavior devolve into outright profanity. One user compared Harris to a sex worker; another said “he’s a frail little guy compared to how strong and tall President Trump looks.”
When the debate turned to Trump’s past doubts about Harris’ legacy, the attacks grew more vicious. User @gkdev wrote that Harris was “playing the emotional Black Card.” Even as Trump appeared to backtrack on his comments about Harris’ race in the interview, Truth Social users chimed in: “Fair question but what kind of person is Kamala? I have no idea, sorry!! I feel like wikipedia is biased,” wrote user @buddyguy000.
The name calling was endless. Truth Social users called Harris, among other names, “commie hyena,” “Satan,” and “Comrade Kamala.” The ABC, which aired the debate and established fact-checking policies, was also the subject of criticism on the platform. @bradhodges called the network a “communist-run media,” while @OleHenry called the network “All ‘Bout Censorship.”
Meanwhile, Social Truth’s performance in the social media space continues to be mixed. Meanwhile, shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, which owns Truth Social, jumped more than 4% ahead of Tuesday’s debate. On the other hand, the app has low traffic numbers; The same website estimates that TruthSocial had 16.5 million visits last month, compared to Facebook’s 12.9 billion. And with X now becoming a right-wing venue, it’s fair to wonder what Truth Social brings to the table, other than big bile.
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