This Device Hopes to Cure ED Without Any Little Green Pills

I am a big advocate for sexual health. Everyone deserves a healthy, happy sex life if they choose. But for some men, this can be a difficult area. According to the National Institutes of Health, it is estimated that “at least 30 to 50 million men in the US and at least 150 million men worldwide have ED.” And although this usually occurs in men between the ages of 40-70, the incidence of men under the age of 40 is increasing. A blog post in Psychology Today cites a 2013 study Journal of Sexual Medicine, which means that 26% of men in the younger age group have ED. Another study from the journal Translational Andrology and Urology goes even deeper, stating that “8 percent of men between the ages of 20 and 29, and 11 percent of men between the ages of 30 and 39,[ing] some kind of ED.”
Normally, the world would shake and say, go take one of those “little blue pills” and be on your way. But are men looking for a drug-free solution for any reason? For them, the solution may be Vertica. Created by Ohh-Med Medical Ltd., a company specializing in men’s health solutions, Vertica is an at-home device designed to rejuvenate the muscle responsible for maintaining posture called the tunica albuginea. Vertica works to strengthen and tone the collagen-rich tunica, which helps keep blood stagnant. Think of it as one of those red collagen face masks but for your nether regions.
And like those face masks, Vertica isn’t cheap. On its own, pre-ordering the device costs $1,333 (£1,020) or $1,667 (£1,275) afterwards. But if you pre-order the Vertica Plus, which comes with an app, it costs $1,667 (£1,275). Without a pre-order, you’ll pay $1,961.

To use Vertica, you will need to insert your penis into the hole while resting the device on your crotch. There is an additional piece that folds over to connect to the perineum. Once you’re properly in the device, press a button, and gentle heat waves are generated with RF energy, which the company says will help tighten that collagen. Vertica handles both the visible part of the penis and the internal part, hence the need for perineum attachment.
Ohh-Med says that, in addition to helping to increase collagen, this device also helps in the regrowth of blood vessels and vasodilation, which in turn increases blood vessels. That means more blood and oxygen will get to the organ, which is the desired effect. Ohh-Med told Gizmodo that some men have reported unusual erections when using the product. To date, Ohh-Med reports an 80% success rate with ED.

To start, Ohh-Med recommends using Vertica three times a week for 15 minutes during the first month. From there, you can use it twice a week to maintain results. Although Vertica has received European CE MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certification, it is yet to receive FDA approval. However, it is currently undergoing trials in the US and hopes to get the green light from the FDA sometime in 2025.
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