Seattle, a 544 math Mathematics meeting

The greatest assemblies of mathematics are addressed in Seattle from Jan. 8 to Jan 11 – 5,444 Mathematics, 3,272 talks. This year the program diverted somewhat from its traditional Leidoscopop’s traditional panorama. The total of the official, “old figures of AI,” was developed by Bryna Kra, the president of the American Mathematical Society, in charge of the event in partnership with 16 partnership organizations. On one or another, a meeting, called Joint Mathematics meetings, or JMM, is more stored or under a year over a century.
Dr Kra intended Ai Theme as a “drop of awakening.” “AI is something in our lives, and it’s time to start thinking about how it affects your teaching, your students, your research,” he said in the interview with New York Times. “What does it mean to have AI as a writer? These are the types of questions we should deal with.”
The second night, Yann Lecun, Ai Theta Science Officer gave the main talk “Mathematical Articles on the Way to Human-Dr. Lecun found a little weed, but there were polished dudbits.
“The current machine learning is that we suck,” said during the talk, in many connecting. “Never pay attention to people, never pay attention to reproducing figures or scientists; we will never even express it.”
Instead of large models of the biggest language that makes Chatboots, arguing, “the main world model” can be better bet to improve and improve technology. Such a program, said in a conversation after talk, “You can consult and plan because it has a mental model foretelling the results of its action.” But there are problems, you agreed – some of the negative problems in mathematics, their solutions are.
Depredge Haskell, Director of Toronto Research Center and The Mathematisating University Emcmaster University, as the name AI today is also one way to have a ‘artificial intelligence.’ “
Dr. Lecun once spoke in his speech when a common norm, or AGI – the intelligent machine – he was a bad man. People “have no ordinary intelligence,” he said. “We are very special.” The preferred term of Meta, says, “Advanced Machine Intelligence,” or my – “calling it ‘my,’ meaning a friend in French.”
Dr Haskell has already been sold for the importance of “using AI to perform the calculations, and the main problem of AI” Expansion of the text;
For Kengraduate in the University of North Carolina in Greenenboro in Greenensboro in JMM, artificial intelligence has not been investigated as a supervision tool. “I think the figures are currently being curious, and which computers find that they will not be the same as people get it,” said Email. Nevertheless, he regretted not to reduce any AI in his ways. “Math + Ai were in interest, just didn’t work with everything I had planned!”
Here are some of the best places from Mthapaloza Seattle:
Day 1
At 6 PM on Wednesday, Jan. 8, after a ceremony to cut the microphy and awards, the attendance, the attendees were stamped from good approval at the show hall. The painting was a) Food free, and b) Exhibitor Dhibitors are reschedules with the publishers and the Publishers of various Mathy Wares. In Booth 337, Robert Fathauer was selling the impressive dietary guides – including “60 sides, 30-colored dice. Dr. Fathauer, based on Arizona, was also a Masterpiece of Arts and offer two cerami pieces, “Hyperbolic Heliciooid” and “cubic slouzeze.”
The “wizard’s Monster Delivery was” wool and edged, broke and Nylon, by dong clicks of Greenwich, CONC. In Physics …
… and “twisted” and “abduction,” created using the Vector graphics app on the IPAD, Rashmi Sunder-Raj, Mathematics artist in Waterloo, Ontario.
Rebecca Lin, a Ph.D. A student at a computer Science Emit, get a respected respect for Laser-Cut recording on the term “crack (attitude).”
Day 2
On Thursday, Jon Wild, Music OriD McGill University in Montreal Emounts Three, 1733 FIVES FIVES. (Sixtailments are still upgraded.) Dr. “I was frustrated,” said Dr. Wild.
During the session in mathematical and arts, Susan Goldstine, the Mary’s College of Maryland, published in her “Poincaré Blues’ project. It was noted by the French Mathematian Henri Poincaré, the project was involved in making a patchwork skirt from the old jean. As he described in writing: “After meeting various patterns, I lived in the Poincaré Moncaré Hyperbolic flight on 30º-400º,” a formerly familiar
Day 3
At midday, the higher fields session of painful organs are full of articles including the order of monthly; statistics of the piano organizing; The obstacles in four sides; and a model for a wildfire, the spread of smoke and their public health effects.
Sometimes in the figure and arts, Barry Cipra, a mathematicist from Minnesota, gave a “gelbes fel” (“yellow field”), a Bauhaus trained drawing
It may be seen can be a solid color fabric, Dr Copra means, but there is a weak pattern of different dots, or, accurately, scenes. “Let us look at the invisible kind of the bill,” he said. “Can you see that cost?”
With Dr. Cipra analyzes, the artist has been painted in Classic 3-By-3 Magic Square – Square Document Creates a logical puzzle when the total number of line, column and diagonal archaebruary 15.
One of the view was each line, column and diagonal were five pips (such as the trading or Dominoes):
Dr. Cipra observed, “It looks like Bill was thrown and solved the first math problem and solved the pips within each 3 square metal square, column and large-9-by-9 diagonal Subgrid? “The same question can be asked 5 and 5 magical scenes and the biggest size of the size, he said. “But it is not far from obvious that the answer will be.”
Dr Goldstine received Dr. Cipa’s receipt. “I am always happy when the figures rise in a place where you would not expect it, “he said in the e-mail.”
Day 4
The last day gave many public events, including the MINI Math with the password puse and games.
“Why is MATH?” He asked Aleksandra Pton, 7, of the puzzle of the geometri puzzle.
“Because we can count all the different ways we put ourselves together,” says his mother, Karolina Sarolina-upton, my Motrosoft Engineering administrator, washed.
In one public talk, Ravi Vakil Mathologist in Stanford and Stanford community of American Mathematical Society, examined that “Dooodling statistics”. “
In the other, Eugia Cheng, Mathematician and Piano in the Art Institute of Chicago, Refined “Math, Aert, social justice.” Some of his majestic messages: “Clean statistics are a framework of confession.” She sang one of the talks next to the Helsel recorded video playing piano.
And there was a Premiece Premiere of the text film, “creating ways,” the second “on the black mathematics journey” by Dutor George Cssyry. (IT ARS in public television stations in February.) The filmmaker was Johnny Houston, the Emeritus professor at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina. After testing, Dr. Houston commented during the 2025 premiere time: 1925, Elbert Frank Cox became the first American American – and the first black person in the world – to get the Ph.D. to statistics. Of his trip, and many black figures, Dr. Houmbeton says that is expressed, experiences and opportunity, “we can do any Mathematician receiving Ph.D.
The last of the talks were damaged in the evening. 3am in 3am the next morning, as some were attending the airport, two figures would get into bed, but before boarding the hotel room to ask how to get out late.
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